Do the quick math: rough calculation..120 minutes...take off 15 minutes for s few commercials and the introductions and explanations, rules, the beginning..that’s 105 minutes left. Each one gets 60 seconds for an opening and closing statement.. that’s 85 minutes left...each question will take at least 30 seconds to pose..allow 1 minute for a reply..30 seconds for a rebuttal..if every one gets a question, that’s like no time to do/say anything..
Totally agree there too. I am honestly not sure what the debates are supposed to do. Most important they are not debates at all. I suspect that Trump is looking for every advantage to elbow and bury his competitors. He has competed on too many projects to simply sit around some stupid debate so he can be noticed.
If anything he has already figured out how he wants to play it so that he walks away with all the prize money at the end of the day.