Posted on 07/31/2015 9:54:24 AM PDT by Jan_Sobieski
Society has a funny way of deciding when to express outrage. Millions of innocent humans (aka pregnancy tissue) are slaughtered, and their fully intact body parts are sold. Crickets. A single lion, which was unknown to most of us, gets hunted for sport. International drama.
I despise the thought of big game hunting, but it never ceases to amaze me how rhetorically violent animal rights activists become when these creatures are harmed or killed. PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) has called for the hunter involved, Dr. Walter Palmer, to be hanged. The puppy-killing, celebrity-studded, publicity-stunt-centered organization epitomizes the insanely hypocritical, progressive approach. The death threats through Yelp and Twitter are repugnant, but unsurprising given their disdain for human life.
Celebrities have tweeted their utter disgust for the wealthy dentist. Debra Messing (Will & Grace, Mysteries of Laura) says: I want them to take his citizenship away. Sharon Osbourne hopes that #WalterPalmer loses his home, his practice & his money. He has already lost his soul...#WalterPalmer is Satan. Piers Morgan, proving that being a news journalist was never his forte, tweets: Id love to go hunting for killer dentist Dr. Walter Palmer, so I can stuff and mount him for MY office wall...
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Suppose Cecil, old and sick, had been eaten by a pack of hyenas. Outrage?
As evidenced by their posts, many are.
Or do the people know only what they see on TV or read in their local rags?
<[p> For the most part, yes.
Would they start to care about the babies if they knew what is going on?
Very doubtful.
I hope its the second option
It is as the Apostle Paul wrote: They will worship the creature rather than the Creator. The ancients offered their babies to Molak [sp?]. The ancient Egyptians sacrificed their children to the crocodiles. In India they did the same. Modern mankind offer their children, via the abortion process, to the god of pleasure and responsibility. So throughout the ages, other than methods of killing, very little has changed. As Kipling wrote: The dog returns to its vomit. The sow returns to her mire. And the burned, bandaged hand of the fool reaches again to the flame.
And had been filmed and put on one of the “nature” cable t.v. channels.
“Lets not throw out the Lion with the bathwater.”
Yes indeed!!
” Cecil then becomes a symbolic stand-in for all the current horrors of our vexing and profoundly sad world”
Yes indeed!
And indeed, IMHO, this is all of it, no coincidence, and somehow we have to find the wisdom to tap into the sentiment of the times, to make the very points you have profoundly made. I do not know how! But this is a profound confluence of events, and we need to grasp the moment for the Good.
Thanks for a very insightful post. I agree with you that PETA and etc. can indeed be allies if we can reach their innate response to the nobility of life. Will not be easy!
It struck me, as in the case of Cecil the Lion (who is . . . ~ Aslan), that the baby seals who were previously a PETA cause, are also very human baby-like. Now it seems to me even more, that some at least among their cause, can be allies for babies. They are fighting for lions and baby seals, who are noble and human-like, because they sense the innate dignity of those creatures. Cecil and the baby seals are surrogates for unborn babies in their cause, because their ideology does not allow them to confront HEAD ON what is done to the human unborn. Because “abortion is a right” in their view.
They are against animals used for research for cosmetics and even medical advances. SHOULD NOT PETA be against use of human tissue for the same purposes?!? And if not, WHY not?? This hue and cry is even more important than merely de-funding Planned Parenthood. We need to STOP the use of human tissue for research to the same extent animal tissue in research is decried. I am fine with tissue donated by human beings who have the where-with-all and intent to donate their OWN tissue. Otherwise, PETA should apply their own standards for animal research to use of human tissue.
And if not, WHY not?
A ridiculous comparison: you are either throwing it in my face to make a case for vegetarianism (which I doubt) or you just don’t like my use of the word “innocent”, or you can’t fathom what I wrote. To put it simply , neither cows, pigs, fish or chickens are nearly extinct precisely BECAUSE we use them for food. If they were allowed to be untouched , they would in no time clog the seas and the farms where they live and become unprofitable and a beastly burden on the fishermen and farmers who raise them to make a living, not to mention all grow old and infirm and die naturally, so we WOULD watch them become extinct over time. The killing of Cecil the Lion was OBVIOUSLY not done for food, but for the ego-boost provided by this Cowardly Dentist , who belongs in permanent exile in his own kind of hellish Oz. Exactly what point are you making?
Indeed, an outrage.
“is because they have left off the natural affection of God and babies.”
I cannot contest your conclusion. However, to the extent the human heart can have at least SOME sympathy with the dignity of life, even be it for Cecil the lion, we need to call them out on it. SOME of them are salvageable to the call of Christ “as” The Lion (and why can’t they accept that lion as Cecil, as an icon “they” identify with??) who sits with the Lamb — innocent babies.
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