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To: fso301
That may be, but idiots like this give ammunition to the left plus there is absolutely no honor in it. There is no honor in killing a majestic creature then posing like a moron for a photo. I got into it last year with Ted Nugent on his Facebook page, he answers people on it, and I told him I'm a hunter as well, I been doing it since I was 5, but I don't take a photo and mug it up like a moron for every single last animal I kill. It shows absolutely no respect for the animal so he banned me from his page LOL! He's a freakin' idiot. I agree with him on politics, but he acts like a freakin' dick when he hunts. He's like a kid who has just been potty trained and has to tell mommy every time went to the bathroom all by himself. Oh gee whiz Teddy, good for you, you killed again. Good boy. You know who does stuff like that? Sociopaths. Every time I kill I feel bad about it, even if it is fishing, but I would rather do that than participate in the supermarket assembly line killing of animals. But this freakin' guy acts like he just killed his worst enemy every time. He's not hunting, he's someone who gets aroused by doing it. He even called deer meat "sex on a spoon". If he didn't hunt I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever he would be a serial killer. I knew people just like him when I was growing up, people who get off on killing, it's like it's sex to them, they get turned on by it. These kind of guys I absolutely detest when it comes to hunting and fishing.

What the F are you going to do with a Bobcat idiot?

44 posted on 07/28/2015 5:21:32 PM PDT by GrandJediMasterYoda (B. Hussein Obama: 20 acts of Treason and counting.)
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To: GrandJediMasterYoda
That may be, but idiots like this give ammunition to the left

Seems that most posters on this thread are leftists. Feel like I'm on DU.

plus there is absolutely no honor in it. There is no honor in killing a majestic creature then posing like a moron for a photo.

Locals probably disagree. If it was killing your cattle you might think see things differently.

Every time I kill I feel bad about it, even if it is fishing, but I would rather do that than participate in the supermarket assembly line killing of animals.

Why feel bad? How do you think you got here? Would you prefer to be a vegan and let nature run its course? Do you prefer that animals die naturally... being chased down and ripped apart by other animals, or to die slowly of starvation and disease?

49 posted on 07/28/2015 5:31:57 PM PDT by fso301
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To: GrandJediMasterYoda

I agree, posing for pics with dead kill, hanging their heads on plaques like it was some big feat is over the top. Hunting to eat or control heards are fine. But animals should be respected always, not held up as some kind of trophy from the local carnival. IMO.

Of course people are people and this is what some do and it’s just the way it is.

52 posted on 07/28/2015 5:36:08 PM PDT by dragnet2 (Diversion and evasion are tools of deceit)
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To: GrandJediMasterYoda
What the F are you going to do with a Bobcat idiot?

Have it mounted?

69 posted on 07/28/2015 5:54:25 PM PDT by xone
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To: GrandJediMasterYoda
What the F are you going to do with a Bobcat idiot?

You'd rather have the bobcat eating your pets, idiot? You're whining about nuisance predators that are nowhere close to extinction.

116 posted on 07/28/2015 7:18:45 PM PDT by Teacher317 (We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men)
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To: GrandJediMasterYoda

What the F are you going to do with a Bobcat idiot?
Tye flies to fish.......

156 posted on 07/28/2015 9:04:33 PM PDT by S.O.S121.500 (Had ENOUGH Yet ? ........................ Enforce the Bill of Rights .........)
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