The big key fact that people seem to miss is that if he is, indeed, mentally ill, and has previous diagnoses of mental illness, then he is already not allowed to own a gun.
This is a clear instance where gun control laws failed to prevent a shooter from shooting up a movie theater.
All the laws did was limit a normal person’s defense against the criminal.
the media is the enemy not guns not even psychos. what chance do you or I have of being a victim of a mass shooter ? 1 in a billion as they are so rare events. people don't realize that this is a country of 330 million people were trillions of events happen every day. that people don't see that the media is cherry picking 1 out of those trillion events time and time again to take away our freedom is a huge problem. why do people believe the news is news and the media?
so we shouldn't be talking or thinking about such rare events as they are not relevant but instead real problems like what Obama is doing , the government crimes and waste , the economy etc. And these events would be even rarer if the media didn't give them so much publicity. the media are doing it for many reasons but think about a sick loser sees this over and over and over again that is what a sick loner is supposed to do according to the media. where do they get the planning and ideas. the media gives them all the planning and info and egging on to do it
150,000 people die from accidents injuries etc. in the USA every year. how many from these media mass shooters that the media eggs on? less than 100 i’d say. So the media is not talking about the other causes of death only 1 . why don’t people see what the media is doing?
All External Causes of Mortality