Additionally, during the Church Age there is no differentiation between Jew and Gentile. During the Tribulation Jews, not the church, JEWS are doing the evangelizing.
A third point overlooked when trying to place the Rapture at mid-trib or post trib is the reality that the first resurrection need not be a single day event. God is not limited by human reasoning, He transcends it! The Second Coming of Jesus to set foot upon the Earth was not somehow violated when Jesus confronted Saul on the dusty road to Damascus. The Power of God can accomplish things in ways we could not even dream of a century ago.
The Church teaching for generations was covenant theology. It did not account for the rebirth of Israel in their Promised Lands. It had never been done in the History of Humanity that a nation was utterly destroyed then reinstated after 2000 years. Even during the Jewish captivity there were a remnant of Israel in the lands, awaiting re-upping by decree of the ones who had conquered them.
It is odd that covenant theology has to make all sorts of twists to the scripture passages in order to avoid what Jesus taught in the Olivet Discourse. He said clearly that there would be another temple built at the end of the Age, and it would be in that temple that the abomination which makes desolate would happen, in Israel, IN Jerusalem, IN THE TEMPLE The Jews would build again. That prophecy was given 37 years before the temple He and the four disciples on the Olivet mountain were looking at, gleaming in the setting sun!
<<<....”during the Church Age there is no differentiation between Jew and Gentile. During the Tribulation Jews, not the church, JEWS are doing the evangelizing”...>>>
<<<<....”It is odd that covenant theology has to make all sorts of twists to the scripture passages in order to avoid what Jesus taught”....>>>>
In pre-millennial theology the very basic teaching is to keep Israel and the Church ‘distinct’.... this solves many of the issues that Amillenialists and Preterists have with Israel.
Twisting scripture to “fit” ones position is not at all uncommon for those who would seek their opinion over the facts of scripture.