When will the imams tell Muslims to love Christians and Jews? Inquiring minds want to know.
I can love the Muslims when they leave the US and go back home to the hellholes they came from.
Loving people does not mean you ignore their folly. It means you show them their folly. CNN would never ever report it, but Christianity is growing in the Mid-East (so is atheism). Many are sick of the insane nonsense and looking for other possibilities.
Family and cultural loyalty are extraordinarily strong in that part of the world, and keeps them from making the break with Islam, but it happens more and more, despite the dangers.
We hear a lot about social and electronic media being such an avenue for ISIS, but the flip side is that there is a lot of mutual support going on in the same arena with new christians from muslim backgrounds. Those societies were totally closed before, the few christians utterly isolated, but that is changing. And there are some astonishingly committed christians in the region, more and more, they are “coming out.”
I’m not minimizing the threat, which is deadly serious, I just think it’s important to see the whole picture.