Could it be that the typical GOP voter is sick and tired of McCain hiding behind his “war hero” status while back-stabbing his own party?
Not so sure a guy is a war hero just because he is captured, tortured, and forced to sign fake confessions. There are other soldiers and marines who valorously charge into battle and truly are heros.
He valiantly charged into battle. Lets strap you into an A4 over Vietnam in 1966 and see if you defecate on yourself. I might. He may have. He was a hero. Then he became a liberal hand wringing PC politician. That’s pretty much how I see it.
Yes, plus a lot of vets and non-vets remember McCain's behavior on the Senate POW/MIA committee in the early nineties where he did all he could to suppress and discredit any evidence that Americans might still be prisoners in SE Asia.
I've despised the character ever since those hearings.
It’s so much more than that. McCain represents everything the average voter despises and now like Rev. Wright said “The chickens are coming home to roost”!
The republicans had a choice after this last election, either come home to their base or snuggle up to the dems, they chose the dems, and are now going to pay for their treachery.
It’s taken too long but now the time has come for them to get theirs.
“Our next guest Is War Hero, John McCain”
“Hell folks, I’m a war hero. If anyone disagrees with me, you disrespect war hero’s. I believe we need thirty million more Mexicans on welfare. If you disagree, your a racist and your insane. “