The Militia used to be all of the able-bodied people, because they had a common interest in freedom. Dreyfuss wants the Militia to be who the Government, and especially the Democratic Party, say they are.
I say: The government has suppressed any patriotic militias for years. Only right wing middle aged nuts participate in any patriotic militia, and maybe motorcycle gangs. On the other hand, for whatever reason—fear or support—Muslim militias, black power militias, black and hispanic gangs like the Bloods and Crips, or even the Aryan Brotherhood in prison—they are strong. Normal citizens are unorganized, and organization is discouraged. Gangs are the new militia.
/Rant mode off, fill wineglass
They do exist, you know. In much, much larger numbers than motorcycle "gangs."
You may be surprised, should the need arise, how many would turn out, armed to the teeth and very capable.