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To: oh8eleven
“once dominant companies where the product that provides the majority of their profits (film; TV networks) is made obsolete by a digital world.”

Completely incorrect in my opinion. "The Real World" was the beginning of the end of MTV to me. It began the phasing out of music videos and phasing in of trash reality TV.

Now you can't catch a single music video on the channel. VH1 Classic, I believe, is the only one where you have half a chance of seeing a video.

My cousin and I were discussing this just a few days ago. I'd be willing to bet if they dusted off their old tapes from the 80's and simply replayed them on the air, their viewership would go up immediately. I would think it would be much cheaper to do as well. If they gave me the channel tomorrow, that's what I would do.
103 posted on 07/23/2015 1:37:10 PM PDT by mmichaels1970
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To: mmichaels1970
Completely incorrect in my opinion. "The Real World" was the beginning of the end of MTV to me.

Before that, it was "Remote Control." Which I thought was a funny show (gave Adam Sandler his start), but it definitely was the first sign that MTV was phasing out music videos.

114 posted on 07/23/2015 1:45:42 PM PDT by dfwgator
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