Which raises the question, who was really running Faux News - Rupert Murdoch, or his ultra-Left kid?
Rupert Murdoch hates Donald Trump.
You’ve got it Old Sarge.
This is mighty troubling for any news organization to do, much less FOX. Easy for me to say I guess, but if they wanted me to sign something of what I believed to be of such significance (which it is), I think I would have told FOX to...I think you know.
Does this not confirm FOX is part of the problem?
I think Roger Ailes is the problem along with Murdock.
I think Murdock got rid of Beck when Beck went after Jarrett.
The UK almost nailed Murdock in the phone-hacking scandal and the NSA might have been behind that which might have been linked to Beck eradicating a bunch of Barry’s little commies early on and then seeming to target Jarrett until all if a sudden Beck pulled back and then left FOX and the left NYC for Dallas!