Despite Trump’s success, the GOP still can’t see the handwriting on the wall. GOP...HINT: People are PO’ed and fed up with your spineless, hand-wringing, appeal-to-all efforts. Grow a paid and start speaking for conservatives. Until that happens, you won’t see a dime from me.
Incredible isn’t it. It really shows the intellect they have which is virtually zero. They are so far up their own asses they can’t see for shtting “Whaaaat? Trump is in the lead? But I’m an elitist! How DARE he take the lead!” They are actually more insulted than enlightened.
Anecdotal evidence but today at work I had Two contractors and an IT guy raving about the straight talk from Trump. I occasionally go out on dates with a fellow Grateful Dead fan gal who doesn’t vote Republican even post to Facebook that she doesn’t like Trump but uh oh, he is saying things she believes and wants to hear. Bi only see the energy building with no signs in letting up.