[The problem with Mr. Trumps language is its divisive, its ugly, its mean-spirited.]
He talks like a New Yorker. He & Rudy Giuliani are chips off the same block.
How about Trump and Cruz, with Giuliani as Atty General? A mandate to clean it all up, expel the crooks, prosecute the evil ones, and take the US back? Take back all the money that has been stolen from us from their personal funds. Prison time and a few hangings for Treason might just get some attention in the District of Criminals.
Trump is just saying what’s on everyone’s mind, and doing it with a kick of sand in the face of the establishment. Nobody else can because they are all bought-and-paid-for whores.
In the Nevada Poll he had a large Latino backing. They respect a leader—and they do not like Gang bangers in the Barrio.