So, while Ted Cruz remains my number one choice, if Trump can win, and if he is not just jerking us around like with the birth certificate, and if he stays in it to win it, then I have no problem with him being the nominee. We need to watch him very carefully. I still don't know if his motives are sincere, and if his immigration position is genuine. But I am glad he is making this the issue.
I think that is the issue now. As in, July the year before the election.
There is so much going on in the world, and none of it good. Russia could pop any day. Israel could chimp out on Iran. The economy could show its true colors and start collapsing again.
And I haven’t even put on the tinfoil yet.
Immigration is a big deal. I agree with that. But hanging your hat on that as your single issue is dangerous at this stage of the game.