To: Carpe Cerevisi
Time to attack the messenger.
2 posted on
07/21/2015 6:30:50 AM PDT by
To: AppyPappy
I think they started yesterday didn’t they? By releasing a statement that there was a possibility of more fake/bogus/microedited videos coming out by someone who ‘tricked’ the people in the videos means that the vids are a bunch of lies. Really? Nothing dismisses/excuses sucking tissue masses out of someones body unless the mass is already dead tissue and a threat to the persons life.
5 posted on
07/21/2015 6:34:30 AM PDT by
(Served in the Navy to protect the rights of those that want to take some of mine away. Odd, eh?)
To: AppyPappy
Truly made me want to vomit...I couldn't even watch the whole thing...where have we fallen?
8 posted on
07/21/2015 6:41:05 AM PDT by
To: AppyPappy
Time to attack the messenger. Time to surround their buildings and dare them to come out.
29 posted on
07/21/2015 4:27:07 PM PDT by
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