If you read the Wall Street Journal’s editorials about immigration, you will find them extolling the virtues of immigration and HARDLY mentioning the problems this country faces with ILLEGALS.
This is the same issue I have with such “conservative” columnists as Linda Chavez and Michael Medved.
“....and HARDLY mentioning the problems this country faces with ILLEGALS.”
This is a systemic problem with the media as a whole. Only focusing on the “moment” and deliberately ignoring the REAL PROBLEMS that should be the issues of discussion and elements of the candidate platforms. So far, and it is early yet, we have heard only a couple of candidates (and their media supporters) really get into the disastrous state of this country and what the Dems have done (and continue to do) TO IT.
Politics over substance, must go. Focus on who and what is killing this country must take center stage.
I’m sure they would totally change their minds if The Donald came to his senses and welcomed the illegals with open arms.
This is a highly coordinated effort to force the destruction of the middle class for the benefit of the stock prices. Just my opinion.
You are right. I appreciate the WSJ editorial board for the most part. But when they embrace a position, such as illegal immigration, they are just as human and underhanded as power hungry as the leftist media. They are not about informing the public but rather about controlling the public.
My trust in media in general is long, long gone.
If I remember correctly, wasn’t there some scandal years ago about Linda Chavez hiring an illegal alien?