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To: proust

Good answers...thank you for the reasoned are one of the few Trump supporters who will answer questions honestly.

I love how you put the YUGE in there...sounds like what Trump would say :-) I really like his courage in business...I have read some of his books, they are pretty good.

Yes, immigration is a complex issue. But my issue with Trump supporters is that they say:oh, Trump is so tough on immigration” while he says hard working illegals can stay. Well, ins’t that a form of Amnesty?

You say he was against the 2nd 15 years ago...but are you sure about that? I thought he said something recently about guns that didn’t sit well with some. Still, we bash candidates who are weak on the 2nd...don’t white wash Trumps’s past opposition to that issue.

I know you say, like other Trump supporters, that we are a long way from details in the campaign. Yet, Cruz has laid out many of his plans in detail. Trump, for all of his bombast, really doesn’t answer questions straight on.

Bombing the palace of Quadaffi was one thing...but bombing oil fields without, say, opening up pipelines here is a fools errand. You can’t just bomb and hope it helps. Now, if he had said, bomb the palace in Iran...that would have been Reaganesque :-)

Finally, his recent history of party switching, political donations and affiliations with the Clintons troubles me. Perhaps he has changed. If he is truly the best man for the job, then I will support him in the generals.

44 posted on 07/20/2015 11:14:41 AM PDT by TNMOUTH
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Yes, I pretty much share the same questions as you. Trump’s interviews have been breathless and contentious nature and I hope that he’ll set up a time in the near future where he can lay out his plans in detail without the constant interruptions. If it sucks, I’m off the bandwagon.

48 posted on 07/20/2015 11:50:55 AM PDT by proust ("Is this a blip, or is it a catastrophe?" -Donald J. Trump)
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