The problem is that Trump ducked the draft and simply should not have gone there. Where he should have gone is after McCains gang of 8 support for amnesty. He could have got two birds with one stone there, McCain and Rubio. A simple ‘John McCain and Marco Rubio, plutocrats from the gang of eight, think their constituents are crazy for not supporting amnesty for illegals who commit numerous felonies’. Then let McCain jump of the deep end.
trump will figure it out.
WEll, there’s still time.
And, Trump made matters worse by saying he preferred heroes who “don’t get captured.” A lot of good men spent many years in the Hanoi Hilton, and many more never made it back home from combat missions over North Vietnam.
Once again, Trump let his mouth overcome his brain. He could have easily praised McCain for his heroism as a POW, then contrasted that to his record as a Senator. McShame is the same guy who let the VA mess ferment for years; along with other members of Congress, he was well aware of what was going on, but did nothing to clean up the mess.
Additionally, McCain (as Chairman and before that, ranking member of the Senate Armed Service Committee) has made no effort to stop sequestration, beyond a few speeches. Meanwhile, our military is being gutted, and if Queeg and his buddies don’t act quickly, the Army will be forced to cut another 30,000 soldiers. Another valid point McCain should be criticized on.
Likewise, Trump should have gone after Johnny Mac on his full-throated support for our “adventures” in Syria and Libya, which helped ISIS gain more territory, power and wealth. McCain’s support for amnesty is also an easy—and accurate—target of opportunity.
Dismissing McCain’s heroism in Hanoi is a slap against other, courageous men who endured hell on earth at the hands of the captors. Many, like Jeremiah Denton, Robbie Risner, Bud Day and Jim Stockdale have passed on. But Trump ought to spend a few minutes with someone like Leo Thorsness before he makes such baseless accusations.
Trump is in serious need of someone who can keep him on the rails. He is resonating with voters because he speaks his mind and refuses to back down. Stick with real issues and if you decide to go after McCain, do it on legitimate grounds. Maintaining the POW attack will only destroy his campaign.