So Trump had to donate $5,000 to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (as Politico reported) to keep people from “plotting” against him? Really? If he did contribute to McCain in the past as some news outlets have reported, did he do so to keep Democrat-lite McCain from plotting against him? LOL. /s.
I was told before this in post #31 that he has to do this to get business done in New York, and I replied that he had to donate $5,000 to an apparently national outfit to get business done in New York?
Cruz in 2016.
When one lives in a liberal stronghold, one has to choose their fights carefully. I live in a city greatly influenced by hard core leftists. If I am outspoken about something I can expect a citation for too many weeds in my garden or a dog peeing on a neighbor’s garden even though I don’t own a dog. Or further, a city patrol car waiting for me to get on the road and then to find some reason to cite me. It doesn’t happen now but that’s because I got smart.
I imagine Trump had to donate to leftists to get some zone approved or license to trade or something. I don’t know. And I don’t excuse him but he’s had to walk the line in a city that punishes even its most illustrious residents. Look at what NYC did to Rush Limbaugh and now Rush is now out of there. He commented that NYC even continued to tax him although he was no longer doing business there.
To get business done locally, one sometimes has to bribe both locally and nationally if that is what it takes. For example, I was involved in some major negotiations to export a product from Long Beach, CA. It was quickly noted that both local and national bribes would be needed because licenses needed were both locsl and national.
Are you aware that in Puritan New England, people were put into the stocks for not attending church services? Just a thought about people doing the small things it takes to get the big picture done. $5,000 to a multi-billion business operation is less than a percentage of a penny to an average American household.