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Trouble Ahead? KKK & African American Group Plan Opposing Protests At South Carolina Capitol
Zero Hedge ^
| 07/18/2015
| Tyler Durden
Posted on 07/18/2015 11:44:05 AM PDT by SeekAndFind
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To: the_individual2014; All
The regime through the so called mass media is using the CBF to C.I.A. (cover it’s axx) by blaming Storms face page Confederate Battle Flag (CFB) pix as the inspiration for his murders.
Where he also posted his manifesto citing the murders by blacks of whites,hispanics,and asians,resulting from the false claims made at the Zimmerman trial .Like that visiting Austrailian young champion runner murdered in the US while jogging near a “hood” which the powers that be are concealing.
posted on
07/18/2015 1:09:47 PM PDT
(Some of my best rebuttals are in FR's along with meaningless venting no one reads.)
To: the_individual2014
“To the NBPP, There will always will be bigots and folks that do not care for you, accept it, suck it up and drive on-——”
Truer words were never spoken.Oh how peaceful the world would be if people just did as you suggested.
People are constantly being “offended” these days.
posted on
07/18/2015 1:12:36 PM PDT
To: the_individual2014
For each race, neither are anything to brag about, yet despite this both groups claim to be about “racial pride”
From the sidelines, it's easy to cheer for one to destroy each other and leave everyone else alone.
As in the Soviet Union vs Nazi Germany....
Iraq vs. Iran.....
IIRC, the pale Klan had an similar encounter back in the later seventies in Greenville, North Carolina but it was against an assorted group of Communists posing as Union members.
The klan “won” They came better armed.
posted on
07/18/2015 1:20:21 PM PDT
("Gun-free zones" equal "Target-rich environment.")
To: SeekAndFind
This is exactly what Obama and ilk wants to happen, a race war so he can blame whites!
This should be funny when the feds show up and arrest all white people as being racist, not because they did anything wrong, but, simply for being white!
posted on
07/18/2015 1:33:44 PM PDT
( 82nd ABN DIV. 1/508th BN "Fury from the Sky" Civil war is coming)
To: SeekAndFind
Wow, this ought to be good. A Democrat created hate group confronts a voting block that over whelmingly votes Democrat. Talk about two scorpions in a bottle. Who do you root for?
posted on
07/18/2015 3:28:06 PM PDT
To: napscoordinator
The Democrat Party created the Confederacy and it created the Ku Klux Klan. They own all of that, not conservatives.
posted on
07/18/2015 3:30:34 PM PDT
To: SeekAndFind
North Carolina-based chapter that bills itself as "the largest Klan in America," expects about 200 people to attend its demonstration... 200 people? Reporters need to check them out and make sure this isn't a situation of paid liberal trolls pretending to be KKK members...
posted on
07/18/2015 3:34:37 PM PDT
(They are not undocumented and they are not immigrants. They are illegal aliens. Lurkinnamloomin)
To: SeekAndFind
North Carolina-based chapter that bills itself as "the largest Klan in America," expects about 200 people to attend its demonstration... 200 people? Reporters need to check them out and make sure this isn't a situation of paid liberal trolls pretending to be KKK members...
posted on
07/18/2015 3:35:14 PM PDT
(They are not undocumented and they are not immigrants. They are illegal aliens. Lurkinnamloomin)
To: jmacusa
“The Democrat Party created the Confederacy and it created the Ku Klux Klan. They own all of that, not conservatives.”
But, but, the Confederate flag is the symbol of freedom, conservatism, and the original Republicans. Oh, wait, I forgot that the first Republican president killed a bunch of them to destroy their flag and free their “property”.
posted on
07/18/2015 6:49:58 PM PDT
To: digger48
For every (KKK) action there is an equal but opposite (BEFJ) reaction.
Maybe this can be a win/win for the rest of us. :)
To: jmacusa
Maybe these guys will make the trip from Georgia
posted on
07/18/2015 6:59:55 PM PDT
right way right
(Disclaimer: Not a prophet but I have a pretty good record.)
To: SeekAndFind
Two anti-Israel groups protesting each other? Sweet.
Looks like a good time to avoid Columbia.
posted on
07/18/2015 7:07:43 PM PDT
Zionist Conspirator
(The "end of history" will be Worldwide Judaic Theocracy.)
To: sagar
posted on
07/25/2015 3:10:03 PM PDT
To: right way right
LOL!! Hey, who sez we all ain’t inclusive?’’
posted on
07/25/2015 3:11:06 PM PDT
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