This the current pace...there’s likely to be 30,000 to 40,000 just in Hessen alone. You can figure throughout all of Germany, it’ll be near 250,000.
The issue after you examine this whole it takes probably eighteen months to inprocess someone, approve them, get them into integration and language classes, and finally get them hired. Finding adequate low-income housing? Difficult in urban areas. There’s a bit of shock after 100 days as they discover the true cost of living. By the end of 365 days in Germany....there’s some questions because they now figure out that while there is a better have to work hard to reach any type of marginal acceptance of living. Gas, food, heat, and taxes eat up the bulk of any pay situation.
Last year, they got into a new priority deal. If you try to come in from Serbia or any Yugoslav get turned around. The Syrians are approved without any questions currently.
If you watch commentary by political folks in Germany....there’s not of a four-star plan laid out.
The Muslims are coming in such numbers it's impossible to take them through the processes established. Many are simply rushed through without regard for anything more than move them on. Germany's police have more than their share of Muslim violence and protests of the people against the influx of Islam into their country. As usual where ever their numbers grow..violence will follow.