The NEXT President has his ...yes HIS work cut out for him!
A disheartened people are already half of the way to becoming utter serfs.
These bastards first goal is to dishearten us.
Pray that God grant us the WIsdom Patience, and remain UNMOVED by the scum of the earth
The idiot Senator Corker along with the GOP and Democrat Senators that voted away their Constitutional power regarding treaties have given Obama the power of a tyrant in regard to treaties and will be as guilty as Obama and John F’n Kerry for this nuclear agreement with the terrorist state of Iran.
Obama already stated that he will veto if the Senate disagrees with him on the ‘agreement’.
That means that instead of Obama needing 2/3s of the Senate to agree with him, he only needs 1/3.
The Tyrant now can treat the US Congress as a mere advisory council and not coequal branch of government.