Not good!!! Too many Republican ESTABLISHMENT RINOS kissing Obama’s butt!!! McConnell & Boehner needed to be replaced!!! Plus, looks to me like there are three real potentials for POTUS that will save the USA, Trump, Cruz and Carson!!! If Clinton or, any Democrat wins the POTUS.....kiss the USA goodbye!!!! In twenty years we will be “Greece II”!!!
Someone suggested forming a third party. Then someone else said “Wait a minute, all we need is a second party.”
True enough and agreed.
Plus you have to combat the public indoctrination centers and their unions, the communist university professors, the RATagandist media, all the paid professional RAT campaign workers (SEIU Purple People Beaters) and all the community organizers and illegal alien RAT-voters.
there are three real potentials for POTUS that will save the USA
Most all of that infrastructure remains in place even under a GOP president and Congress. It would take a real scorched earth policy to purge the offices of all the executive branch departments and the education system.
Not that I have a problem with shutting down the government...for quite a while.