Who is she? How about a little play-by-play, everyone?
I didn’t catch her name but she is the mother of a police officer killed head-on by a drunk illegal alien last year (who didn’t even have a valid license). Apparently the same illegal alien had committed crimes in Colorado but was allowed to stay in the country.
Her son was killed in 2014 in Phoenix after an illegal alien was driving over 35 miles the wrong way on various freeways. Drunk and High on Meth. Head-on Collision
FYI....I am near the front wearin a golf type polo shirt with the Confederate Flag on the pocket......mean ain`t I
Here is the article from the Daily Mail concerning Mary Ann Mendoza’s letter to Barack and the death of her son Sgt. Brandon Mendoza. Killed by an impaired illegal immigrant driving the wrong way on Phx freeways for 30 miles until he hit Sgt. Mendoza.