>>and how do you support your family collectivism?
My wife and I worked for 40+ years. Own our own home. Drive old cars with no loans. We don’t have any debt. We have a reasonable savings. We’ve taken responsibility for our own health and aren’t obese cash cows for the pharmacuetical industry. We raise chickens, bees, vegetables. We fish, hunt, and live frugally.
And we don’t waste our money buying books written by MSM wanabees who rode the coats tails of Shrub and Quayle into black balled irrelevance.
You sound like a bitter old man with no life frankly. Frugality is great, unless it’s paired with self righteousness, and then it becomes resentment or perhaps a spirit of poverty.
but you say you worked for 40 plus years, and apparently your wife had to work 40 plus years too. Well either you were working in the free market, or you were working for government which is funded by the free market.
What is remarkable about your arrogance is that the life you live is honorable, but to think you could do that without the free market providing the money for many things...is just absurd. IT’s also remarkably self centered that you think everyone should be called to live the same way. That’s not how God works.