I thought both Cruz and Couric did well. Katie almost acted like a real old-school interviewer and asked questions and gave plenty of time for Cruz to answer. Good interview. I didn’t view this one as a battle between interviewer and interviewee. This is how interviews should work. Sure ... Couric expoised some biases but in the current environment this was as clean an interview you will see from a liberal.
I thought she wasn’t too bad, but I couldn’t bring myself to say it.
She once told about her daughter’s favorite joke:
An impression of a snail riding on top of a turtle. She put out her arms and shouted, “Wheee! Wheee!”
Plain Talk...
She tired to channel her inner Tim Russert, but she pulled that same liberal Steponallofus format of interrupting him before his thought process was complete. She'd never pull this crap on Hillary, plain and simple. I give her 2.4 stars out of 5. Shame on her, she could have been a contenda...