RE: Well, if you are going to make a statement like that, please provide the facts to back it up!
Ted Cruz on Taxes: He prefers a flat tax.
Donald trump: 4 brackets; 1-5-10-15%; kill death tax & corporate tax.
Ted Cruz does not have an opinion on China as far as I know.
Donald Trump wants to Repatriate jobs that China has been stealing (He leaves the details out ).
Ted Cruz: Defund amnesty; and refuse any nominees until rescinded. No path to citizenship for 1.65 million illegals in Texas. Boots on the ground, plus a wall.
Donald Trump: Wants to build a wall in the southern border and let Mexico pay for it ( how, he doesn’t tell ).
Ted Cruz on drugs : NO POSITION THAT I KNOW OF
Donald Trump: Legalize drugs and use tax revenue to fund drug education
Donald Trump wants to Take $1.5T in oil from Iraq to pay for US victims. Iraq should pick up the tab for their own liberation.
I doubt if Ted Cruz would want to go that far. He in fact wants to bomb the hell out of ISIS to the stone age.