“You are obviously more optimistic than am :
I’m not optimistic at all. I think we will continue to get more of the same on a lot of issues.
The GOP in the main seems to be trying to distance themselves from social issues.
Things like flags and gay marriage aren’t going to be high on their list of priorities.
The culture is going to keep moving left. I expect after this initial fury at gay marriage that in a year or so nobody will raise an eyebrow and more and more churches will make peace with it.
There will always be churches and people that don’t of course but in the end they’ll largely be marginalized.
Again, you are being optimistic. You are totally ignoring the likely coming behavior of the increasingly hostile Gaystapo.
Just as I use the Nazi rise to power as the model for where our society is currently going, so do I use the example of homosexuals in the bible as a model to explain what the Gaystapo is likely to do next.
Do you think they will just sit on their hands now that they've won?
Tell me how much you've thought this through.
There are enough gay bishops and priests in the Catholic Church that sooner or later one or more of them will start blessing homosexual marriages and defy their leaders to do something about it, taking recourse in the sympathetic courts.
Even excommunications will probably be overruled in the courts under stiff fines that Churches won’t be able to pay. The edifices, physical plants, will eventually be owned by left wing, state sanctioned branch of the Catholic Church.
The faithful remnant of Catholics will be forced underground as they are in China.
This is really just beginning.