“Rather than try to rescue tax-exempt status for organizations that dissent from settled public policy on matters of race or sexuality, we need to take a more radical step. Its time to abolish, or greatly diminish, their tax-exempt statuses.”
How about we just get rid of “tax exempt” all together.
Things like Planned Parenthood and the other ghouls you fund with my money make me sick as well as more than 100,000,000 other Americans.
How about we agree than all of your tax exempt orgs start paying taxes at the same time the churches pay up. I could live with that.
We’ll then take bets ...
Will churches survive with the members donating to pay the tax bills or will your little concentration camps for the unborn survive being funded by food stamps and leftover minutes on Obamaphones?
I can’t believe this ... all of this hate even after SCOTUS “legitimized” homosexual anal sex. I didn’t see this coming (sarcasm)
It must be a sad, petty life to let something like that matter so much! They really must hurt when they try to fall asleep at night ... I’d be that angry too if something that sickening was at the center of my life.
planned parentghood gets 500 million a year from government. it will be able to pay its taxes.