AC is powered by refrigeration technology, so should we get rid of those too?
The Pope hates people with type 1 juvenile diabetes...
Because the pope is saying Insulin which needs refrigeration is apparently evil...
If we all lived like poverty stricken South Americans dependent on the Church, the Pope would be thrilled. What an opportunity for him to flaunt his great humility among the broken....
Abject poverty allows elites to show how ‘giving’ they are... it highlights their superiority and great humility.... A twofer at the expense of the downtrodden... In Arab countries beggars are included in fancy dessert vacations... where their misery provides entertainment for guests. The beggar who does the best ‘job’ of demeaning himself wins money from his Arab elites.
What the Pope wants is a tamer version of the above humiliation.
If instead of abject poverty, citizens are self supporting they don't need the phony baloney ‘charity’ of their betters.
Is the Pope a sicko?