Who tempted Christ? Christ sure did not need the tempting. Christ was teaching who would be allowed to play that role and we are given the script as to what the devil would be using to deceive. Christ was not the least bit tempted. But this world is filled with all religions all ready to eat and drink up that temptation. The Bible tells us so.
FINALLY someone who knows who the Anti Christ actually is!
Catholic doctrine does not give any NAME of the anti-Christ. E.g., “Barry Davis, born in Honolulu, August 4, 1961.”
Catholic doctrine is that there will be an individual man who will be “the” anti-Christ. The term “anti-Christ” is also applied, analogically, to persons or movements who fulfill the essential characteristics of anti-Christ. Islam is one of those movements.
The powers of anti-Christ—whether referring to THE anti-Christ or to his many forerunners, are not, properly speaking, “supernatural.” They are demonic. Demons, including Satan, are not supernatural beings. Anti-Christ will have preternatural, demonic powers that many will take for supernatural powers.
Only God and the powers and activities directly relating to God, are “supernatural” in the strict sense.
How will anti-Christ deceive so many people?
Easy. Look around. We have more than 100 million fellow citizens who can look at someone in public life who has fought tooth and nail to expand the killing of babies, and say: “He’s a Christian.”