Does Mexico have a Second Amendment? What’s the level of violence there?
Please, you must be aware that all of the guns in Mexico come from the USA, so if we are disarmed it will consequently eliminate all the gun violence in Mexico too! And pigs fly, islam is a religion of peace, bathhouse barry is a heterosexual, ........I was going to make a reference to moochelle, but that would just get the post pulled.
I believe Norway leads the world in rampage violence. We are fourth after, I think, Denmark and Israel.
He’s not saying getting rid of getting rid of the second amendment. He’s saying you’d have to rewrite the amendment. I can imagine some fake foundation group standing there and saying that six-round pistols and hunting rifles would be acceptable...but nothing automatic. A month into this new phase....some guy would shoot down forty people with a six-round pistol, and then we’d have to suggest a one-round pistol as being the only acceptable thing...except some idiot could have forty pistols lined up and shoot another forty people the next month....just to prove a point.
Even with all the rules that exist in Germany....about every eighteen months....there’s a mass shooting of some type. With massive rules....people still find a way to get around rules or laws.