I can already see variations of this model happening around the nation in the next few years to all kinds of clubs, and not just Harley clubs, that identify themselves with club logos and do things that remotely threaten "law enforcement." Think historical shooter societies, remote-control flying clubs, hunting clubs. While the vast majority if not all of them may be innocent of criminal activity, law enforcement has a method to categorize them into a certain kind of group, identify the emblems they wear as insignia of a criminal group, and the MSM presents a these clubs only idenfied as as "criminals according to police experts" -- taking years to sort out the truth, while the liveliehoods of the targets are permanently crippled, reputations smeared, and "arrest records" established for further demonization.
Even if every single one of these Waco folks are found totally innocent, it is too late. That's the beauty of this model for the authoritarian tyrants using it -- it will always be too late for the individuals harmed, once they're are arrested and subjected to "investigation" and the media circus propagandizing gullible citizens shifts into gear.
The government will take this and perfect their tactics. Not only are these people's lives in turmoil today but they'll always have that stigma even if proven innocent. Every job application they'll have to explain why they were let were let go of their job in 2015 and their mug shot will be on the internet forever when future employers do a search. Or why they had their car reposed for not making payments or their family got kicked out of their home because they had to pay for lawyers and now they have no savings and their credit is messed up. How many have lost custody of their kids over this? The list goes on. This is notice to us all just how quickly our lives can be ruined by the very people we voted into office to protect us.