I think the money to Mexico is drying up anyway, as the quality of those coming across the border is slipping. This was not nearly the size problem it is now when most were coming to work.
Now most are coming to suck at the teat. That plagues the entire economy and drags everybody down.
I don’t care about punishing Mexico, but I would like to help save America. If our government would do its job, it wouldn’t matter a dadgummed bit what Mexico did or did not do.
I’m in the metro Atlanta area. They are lined up 5 deep at the Customer Service Counter in Kroger and PUblix with giant wads of cash that they are sending home. I always love the way nobody questions the illegals as to where they got all the cash but you can’t cash a $4,000 check from your own acct without scrutiny if you are an American.
Personally I’m not out to hurt Mexico either but its way past time for Mexico to develop their country and get rid of the corruption from top to bottom and take care of their own. Let Mexico compete on a level playing field for a change. Right now I’m only concerned about bringing America back. 92 million people here need a job.