Having to grow up watching the nightly news celebrate the first African American Disabled Trans-Lesbian Feminist Women’s Studies Major to successfully pump her own gas could potentially lead to hard feelings. Just sayin.
“Having to grow up watching the nightly news celebrate the first African American Disabled Trans-Lesbian Feminist Womens Studies Major to successfully pump her own gas”
That is something that always puzzles me. We are constantly told that eveybody is equal, but every time somebody from group A accomplishes something that would be something an average evil white male would just do without thinking about it to no fanfare as if it is the most yawn filled normal task in the world, but for someone from group A they get trumped up and celebrated across the media sphere. As long as that happens, It tells me, at least, that the dems really believe members of group A are inferior, that they have to pat somebody on the head and give then a “ribbon” for accomlishing a task tha white males just do without thinking about it.
And then the news follows up this story with the story about the white guy who got shot to death for his cell phone or $50 in the cash register.