Theres an outside chance..that..the news of the famous Trans Gender Fiasco and the perhaps not so famous Trans Racial sensitize reasonable people to the catcalls of Racist Sexist...and Homophobe? Were this to BE the case....perhaps we could all talk turkey about ISLAM...without being so SENSITIVE to being called ....Whatever islams proponents and defenders want to throw at us.
It's the only way.
We can't be thin-skinned - can't afford that luxury.
For one thing, self pity's a 'victim role' standard... and while being a victim has it's perks, liberals have staked out that position.
I remember posting a NUKE MECCA NOW...”banner” on several web forums on September 11, 2001 and in the days following... on those which didnt immediately ban me for doing so...
No Mecca.=no prayers=no ISLAM!