What country was it some guy killed like 75 people on an island at a retreat.
I forget.
Norway. And then of course, it sure does happen in the Middle East! And Pakistan! The guy’s such an ass.
Norway. Victims the wrong minority. The good news, no one on the island had a weapon. Other than the killer, of course.
Lets not forget Australia at that coffee shop but again, done by Muslims so it doesnt count
“What country was it some guy killed like 75 people on an island at a retreat. Denmark? Norway? I forget.”
>>>> So do I, but I do remember the targets were school children ranging in age from middle school to high school I believe.
It was Norway...and the number was 85
“What country was it some guy killed like 75 people on an island at a retreat.”
Australia’s worst mass murder occurred on the island of Tasmania...I guess Australia is not an advanced nation, either! /sarcasm
Seriously, I’m beginning to forget what it’s like to have a President who actually LOVES his country!!!