He’s attention seeking as usual. He does hate Palin.
He’s a rather vile man in a lot of ways, so if he hates her she’s once again got the right enemies.
But a lot of her supposed enemies were, could have been, and could in the future be won over again.
Of course at the same time he’s running a promotional spot on other programs talking about not looking for a “savior” among politicians.
Norm, I predict that Donald Trump will ask either Sarah Palin or Carly Fiorina to be his Veep.
Similarly, I predict Ted Cruz will want either Carly or Sarah as his Veep.
And if Carly Fiorina gets the nod, her Veep will also be female, someone like Condi Rice I bet.
Savage has expressed nasty stuff in the past towards Sarah absolutely.
I’ve decided to ignore Savage and not listen to him anymore.
I feel a lot better doing that.