We need to RIGHT NOW go to a no-loophole under 19% flat tax with a generous initial earned income exemption like what Steve Forbes proposed in 1996, then set up the mechanism so in three to four years' time, we get rid of the income tax in favor of something akin to FairTax. Do that and the US economy will rocket through the roof in no time flat.
Add in import tariffs and you have a winner. No more free access to US markets, especially if they are charging us. We must retaliate.
I like your idea and there are lots of us in the same echo chamber. The 16th amendment needs to be abolished first however. Everyone pays the same “rate”. No kick backs, no loopholes, no graduated income brackets. Beyond that, fedzilla operates within its means. If the money is not “there”, entire agencies start massive cutbacks if not entire agencies wiped from the books.
I believe at last count (and this was a handful of years back) there were 4500+ federal agencies. 4500. We simply DO NOT need that much government.
If the POTUS were going to sign that into law, the VP would be running the country. The Code is the way it is to preserve the elite power. They don’t go gently into that good night.