This crazy b*tch in 2010 said she wouldn’t feel “Safe” attending a Tea Party event because she is black LOL she is as white as a freakin ghost yet she goes around pretending to be black what a loon..actually she isn’t a loon because a looney tune wouldn’t do such an elaborate hoax and do everything it takes to make sure she doesnt get caught. I think at first she did this out of jealousy because her parents adopted black children and she was jealous of them and wanted to be black too, after that the liberalism mental illness took over.
You may have hit on the moment her shape changing obsession began. By average white standards of acceptable beauty, Rachael was quite plain as a young girl. She needed to find some way to make herself standout. Someway to make it easier for people to accept her as is. Now she’s become consumed with maintaining a lie of her own making.
The biggest danger blacks face at Tea Party rallies is being smothered with affection.