The Russians have a bottomless bag of tricks to generate cash.,
Agenda 21 closer than realized.
Like ISIS?
The place was packed with what was probably illegals from south of the border. They didn't need a driving test or anything other than the passports which I saw, from mainly Honduras.
When it was my turn, I presented all the documents, including an international driver's license from Japan. I was prepared to take the test and turn in my expired license, but no! They wouldn't even let me do that without an original social security card. I showed them their own driver's manual which listed the necessary documents when bringing in a license from another country. Nowhere was a social security card listed.
'Oh, yes,' the bureaucrat explained. 'But your case is different because you are a U.S. Citizen from a foreign country.'
"Since when does being a U.S. Citizen confer lower status or a higher level of documented requirements than a foreign national who may not even be here legally?" I asked. Of course, I know the answer now.
Hmmm. Could it be that Vermont is trending republican? Why else would they want to import more illegals.