No stores with 0.25 miles, they have no car, and won’t walk or ride a bus... How about an armored car grocery delivery business. The catch is that instead of the EBT card users choosing their own groceries, an EBT account is created at the store for each of them and 70% of the EBT funds are automatically used towards predetermined “healthy” foods that will sustain them for enough time until the EBT account is reloaded. The other 30% goes towards the armored car delivery service... Of course finding delivery drivers might be a challenge.
A guy is transferred to Detroit, and on one of his first trips there he sits next to a guy and tells him he's worried about crime and violence, but it's such a good job he doesn't want to turn it down. The guy says not to worry. He lives in Detroit, and while there are bad areas, you can find nice housing in relatively safe neighborhoods, send your kids to a good private school, etc. The new guy starts to relax thinking it isn't as bad as he's hears. Just as they're getting off the plane, the new guy asks the older Detroit resident what he does for a living. The answer is door gunner on a budwiser delivery truck