Look, You’re obviously not familiar with the nuances of the language. And seem hell bent getting your anger, jollies out of your systemn. To say, Rumsfeld took 12 years to finally conclude... is not a literal assessment of what he actually believed. It’s a figure of speech not to be taken literally. My God. To get up in the morning the way you have is kind of scary. You might try extra-strength Ex-lax.
I am angry about this, all the way back to when it was going on...when Rove and Bush and Cheney (maybe not Cheney) threw Rummy under the bus. Yes, I am, and have been.
As for your statement, sorry, there are certain things that mean certain things and you can’t hide behind the very weak “I didn’t mean it literally” bullshit. The statement you made does not lend itself to being non literal hyperbole.