I agree that that has been lost—because of the one goony cop.
This is the era of smartphone video, and you can’t have a white cop beating on a 14yo black girl in a bikini in a predominantly white neighborhood without causing an uproar.
Because of Obama’s gang’s Alinsky campaign to rub the black community raw about white police brutality against them, way too much of the country has the idea that white on black crime, albeit by cops, is far greater a problem than black on white crime—when law enforcement isn’t around.
I blame BOTH the kids who gate crashed and the police officer whom I believed had a major meltdown in this incident.
I may be old-fashioned, but if you did get an invite to a private party, you just do not go, period. Gate crashing a party just simply lowers my respect in my eyes. From what I have heard, there was not supposed be more then 20 kids at that party.
On the police officer, he either had a complete meltdown and ended up acting like a rouge or was on a power trip. Either way, there are NO winners in this incident.