Easy for you to say that, your life was not in jeopardy. My reaction would have been bang bang. Two less thugs. My DI said kill them first them then worry about it later. He was threatened by them, screw them. If you are on their side you are either a pussy or a liberal. Grow a pair. If you don't like what I think then bite me. I have grown tired of this liberal bs. I hope the cops start removing this type of vermin from the US, and I support the cop. The hell with the PC
Boy, are you gonna feel dumb when the booze wears off.
They came at him and they backed away from him as he got up, if it was me they would be dead meat. No questions asked, you do not come at an officer in that manner and not expect him to pull his weapon. what if he did not stand up and they got the drop on him and killed him, would that be ok with you. You have seconds to react in this type of situation, the cop is alive and the two idiots who rushed them should be thanking their GOD that it was not me they rushed. I would have killed them.