It is the US State Department that MANDATED the “gay pride” parade for Ukraine!! This is the “freedom” that obama, Hillary, Nuland, etc. intended for Ukraine when they engineered the coup last year!!!!
It is ironic that obama/Nuland’s Nazi bully boys “Right Sektor” are attacking their patrons’ parade!!! They didn’t realize what they signed up for!!!!
Our State Department and their EU lackeys also mandated a “gay pride” parade for Belgrade, Serbia. But they can’t touch Russia!!!!
The US State Department HATES us Orthodox—and they also hate Africa and Latin America! They want to smear us all with the LGBT filth, until our very souls are destroyed! Dear Lord protect us!!!!
If Russia doesn’t stand firm on it’s stance regarding this - Civilization may not recover.
Thank God for
Russia and the Orthodox... Not backing down - not discrimination, in that these people are allowed to live their lifestyle unmolested, BUT NOT allowed to parade in the street, teach it in schools nor adopt.
Eminently fair and CIVILIZED.