Question about that last pic, the one of the guy in civvies with flak vest and rifle... when did he get time to go get his flak vest and rifle?
The officer are issued these things, and most keep them in their trunks of their cars in cast of things like’s become a dangerous country out there since OBAMA and his thugs have taken over..
As far as the clothes this officer had on he was more than likely off duty and was called in fast..All Waco PD was called in after the gangs started their shooting at the police..then local towns around Waco called their men in and after that police were coming in from all over the state of TEXAS also DEA,Texas Rangers,and FBI..ETC.That guy in the ppicture could have been from any place in TEXAS..
The meme about an undercover cop starting a fight in the bathroom of Twin Peaks has been least amongst folks who are interested in getting at the truth and not pushing an agenda.