Well, when the “Royals if race identity” aren’t doing their job to improve their conditions, they seem to be advocating for handouts and “Make Work” programs.
“When white gentrifiers move into urban areas, they seemingly bring nice restaurants, better policing, and better schools with them”
The corollary is that those minorities degrade communities, isn’t it?
It needn’t be and they should be able to lift themselves out of what the authors implies a “natural state” of conditions, inferiority and indemic bigotry.
Come one guys. The Chinese are kicking your collective asses. Whether they are immigrants, natural born Americans or China itself.
Dust yourselves off and get a dream. That reason for becoming something more than what you currently are.
You are your own worst enemies and the only real competition is yourself.
I currently work with a fellow from Africa. He is one of the top salesmen in our company.
Think about that. A “Black Man” from Africa out produces nearly everyone else?
Can’t be. Collective racism should be holding this man down and yet he smiles all day and is grateful for his customers.
He helps people get what they want and accomplish important things. A true servant, who is rewarded for helping.
Anything implicit there? Any corrollaries?
It would seem that the only intellectual contribution of “African Studies” is ever more contrived excuses for the failure of American Blacks.