Having read most of the responses here....at Free Republic.....I am personally sickened by the braying mob attitude you all are expressing....
Dear mercy......I never thought I would see this on Free Republic
...and I’ve been here 16 years.....
....I can only imagine the diatribe against me after I post this.....
Dear mercy
Anyone who disagrees with you or has a different approach is slammed and shamed into silence,
Is this really Free Republic?
You will not be satisfied until this young man and his family are personally destroyed.
Very sad.
It is an online forum where different opinions are expressed.
Here is the essential problem (for me). This isn’t just boys being boys and it was not dealt with appropriately at the time. It is being handled as damage control for political and financial reasons.
The Duggars chose to do this to their family, not me. Now that the cat is out of the bag, they can suffer the consequences they deserve.
The kids are the victims in all of this. That is entirely my point. Jimbob and Michelle are horrible parents.
Don’t feel too bad. Not everyone agrees with jimbo807. He has actually advocated his way of preventing this would be to take the teenage son to prostitutes for a sexual outlet.
I’m with you, and some did try that on another thread with me...I told them if they felt that strongly about that issue they should write a note to the young man citing Jesus Christ and what the young man should do with himself with a rope and a mill stone!
The molestation issues have been, by some more “respected” freepers, have been wrongly cross correlated with issues concerning the “Gothard cult” the family Duggar follows. As I don’t know about what Gothard teaches other than reading some “stories” about some of the shenanigans Gothard was known to do with younger girls as cited by these freepers; I’m don’t know how or can’t have a thought about how it affects the Duggar situation. Two separate issues I think. I would need more info.