Phoenix is the most likely target. Of this I’m confident. The borders have been forced open by Obama, everyone is flooding in from everywhere. Many are muslim, but most of them come in the front door, through other programs. Some, the hardcore, through the open border.
Phoenix may not seem that important, but it’s a logical target. It’s a bowl, with maximum effect, and the largest population withn just a few hours of the land border. We have the lagest nuclear power plant in the US, if not the world, right next to us. This is no secret. We have been traded off somehow by this admistration. Look at the way they’ve attacked Joe Arpaio as a way to create clear passage. In essence, there is no border at this point. What’s to stop them, and I dare say that this city is exactly what Obama means when he says we could absorb a terrorist attack. I’m not saying Obama WANTS this, but I am saying that in his naivete, he’s set the whole thing up.
I never would have guessed Phoenix, but you do make a good point. Whichever city, I think it is not a matter of if, but when.