Good try. Firms make calculations daily concerning the risk that government actions will increase their costs. If they miscalculate, they may fail. Too bad.
Firms make calculations daily concerning the risk that government actions will increase their costs. If they miscalculate, they may fail. Too bad.
You appear to be on the wrong forum. You do know there are other forums where you can spew such rhetoric without challenge, right? DU and Huffington Post are two that come to mind. I honestly get the impression you would be more at home at one of those.
No man’s life, liberty or property are safe as long as congress is in session. (Or obama has a pen).
Tell me, in your own business can you predict what the government will impose next week, and what plans have you made to mitigate that risk?
You expect the Kraut pickle farmers to do it, show us you can do it yourself!